Foreclosure Overages 101

No Upfront Cost. We do all of the work.
What are foreclosure refunds? Many homeowners are unaware that they are entitled to cash (foreclosure refunds) from their foreclosed property after a foreclosure auction has taken place.
Foreclosure refunds are the result of foreclosure auctions that happen after a property is foreclosed because of an unpaid mortgage loan or property taxes. The lender or county then puts it up for auction and then the property is sold to the highest bidder.
The difference of the unpaid balance and selling price of a foreclosed property is called the foreclosure surplus or foreclosure refunds . By law, this amount should be awarded to the prior most recent owner of the property.
The previous owner of the property is usually notified by the state officials regarding these foreclosure refunds after the sale is completed.
However, if the person has moved due to the foreclosure or relocated to a different state, they often are unaware that remaining surplus funds are available.
This is why working with the seasoned professionals at DATC Consulting Group is beneficial!
Our team works to discover if there is an unpaid balance in the form of a foreclosure refund waiting to be claimed and takes the necessary steps to recover it for our client.
Although the amount money after a foreclosure varies, it is often a big help for those people who are needing to pay for rent or a new down payment as they start their lives in a new place.
Because of procedural technicalities, filing for foreclosure refunds can be complicated, especially when there are other entities that also have claims to the property.
Working with our team allows you to consult with professionals who have a track record in processing surplus fund claims and obtaining foreclosure refunds for our clients.
It's Easy To Get Started
Call, email, or complete our contact form.
We will answer any questions you may have, then begin the process to find any money that may be available for you.
We will send you the necessary paperwork needed to work on recovering your money.
Have the paperwork signed and notarized where needed.
Return the paperwork back to us via mail or email.
We handle the rest!
You sit back and let us do the work. We will contact you as soon as a check is ready and on it's way!

Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any upfront costs?
That’s a good question and the answer is NO.
Our primary focus is helping people who have been basically robbed by the government, to finally have the tools and resources to successfully fight back.
There are massive amounts of ongoing governmental audits, attorney fees, filing claims, legal opinion letters, and more that we work through to help you win the fight and recover your money.
None of this costs you anything upfront and we only only receive a portion of the money that we recover for you AFTER all the work is done.
Contact us for more information and we’ll discuss everything upfront.
How soon can I get refunded?
It depends. If there is surplus foreclosure money available, it typically takes between 60-120 days to process a claim. We work as quickly as possible and will notify you if a refund is available sooner.
Contact us today and we’ll get started working for you!
How do I know this is real and not a scam?
Let’s layout the worst case scenario. Let’s say we get your paperwork and we submit to it our Attorneys and find out that the government doesn’t owe you money or that it’s already permanently defaulted to them — which would be a horrible outcome for everyone EXCEPT the government. In that case, because we didn’t collect anything for you, it wouldn’t cost you a cent. We bare 100% of the cost of doing all the research and legwork. There’s never any upfront cost to our clients.
Let’s go to the other extreme. Let’s say we find the money and it’s still there waiting to be claimed. Our Attorneys file the claim, manage the entire process, and do all the legwork. You get to live your life and focus on other things, and in 60 to 120 days we call you up and say we are sending you a large check. In either case… you win.
If you’re still skeptical, we are happy to provide references of past clients we have worked with.
Contact us and lets discuss the possibilities for you!
Where does the money come from?
The government is currently holding onto over 14 Billion dollars, hidden in various departments, agencies, and bureaus, made up of funds related to property sales, foreclosures, tax overpayments, mortgage overpayments and other types of transactions.
What most people don’t know, is if the funds aren’t claimed within a specified period of time, which varies greatly from Department to Department, the government keeps your money. That’s why we strongly suggest getting a claim started and recovering these funds quickly.
Are you ready to get started? Contact us. We can begin right away.
Can I do this myself?
You can absolutely do that. Where you would start is another question entirely. There are countless piles of government records that our researchers have to sort through to identify people who may be owed money. However, you can absolutely do all the work, research, filing, attorney fees, claims, and pay all costs yourself.
OR you can let us do the work for you with no upfront cost and enjoy life while we’re doing it all for you!
Real People. Real Refunds.
Foreclosure refunds happen every day. Below are examples of real foreclosure refunds that were recovered for our clients.
Weaghington Estate $23,462.64 recovered
Prisbrey Family $42,483.70 recovered
K. Anderson $14,526.99 recovered
T. Sell $35, 868.21 recovered
Estate of W. Susman $27,300.95 recovered
T. Esquibel $7,662.99 recovered
M. Leaverton $12,634.69 recovered
Estate of J. Randall $58,204.77 recovered
J & D Buckley $66,893.67 recovered
S. Jeffries $204,342.20 recovered
Estate of J. O’Neil & C. Phillips $39,502.32 recovered
N. Hopf $51,126.96 recovered
M. Leaverton $12,634.69 recovered
H. Montero $51,978.85 recovered
D & K White $33,593.49 recovered
W. M. Johnson $9,645.59 recovered
Estate of J. Oaks $29,946.64 recovered
J. Harper $6,897.08 recovered